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5 Ideas For Date Night In

5 Ideas For Date Night In

Staying in is the new going out – as long as your home is set up for it.

You’re finally settled into your new home together as newlyweds – why go out? From curling up on the sofa to serving up your favorite take-out on a new porcelain platter – we’ve got some date night ideas that will have you cancelling those dinner reservations in no time.

Cook Dinner Together

They say that couples that cook together, stay together. (Bonus if you shop for ingredients together, too.) Try an old family recipe or scour a cookbook for something new. If you’re keeping things casual, pull stools up to the kitchen island and dig in. Or, set the dining table with the proper flatware, your new favorite dishes and the fancy drinkware.

Screen a Film

Grab your favorite throw blankets, a bowl of popcorn and the remote for an at-home movie night. There’s nothing like catching a flick on the comfort of your own sofa, all snuggled up with your spouse. It’s perfect for blustery winter nights, or simply when you feel like staying in your PJs.

Call a Cocktail Hour

Mix up drinks and sip them on the patio for an al fresco cocktail hour. Prefer wine or beer? Your favorite varietal or brew will taste better in your new glassware. Then, enjoy the setting sun and each other’s company. Best of all, you’re already home when you finish your nightcap.

Pamper Yourselves

Take time to unwind together, with help from your newly outfitted bathroom. Wrap up in luxurious robes, grab your new monogrammed towels and draw a warm bubble bath. Don’t forget the soothing playlist and flameless flicker candles! Couples massages, anyone?

Go Ahead, Order In

Want to take your takeout up a notch? Pull out your new dishes and serveware, and set a sophisticated table. Opt for the white tablecloth and candles for a romantic touch.  It’s been a long week – you both deserve a break from cooking.

Ready to start dreaming up your next date night itinerary? Add all of the essentials, from festive glassware to a made-for-cuddling knit throw, to your Pottery Barn Wedding Registry. Then get planning!