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How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Waking up rested gives you a huge advantage when taking on the day’s responsibilities. After a good night’s sleep, you have more energy. Getting things done is easy! Plus, it gives you a positive attitude, makes you feel happier and reduces anxiety and stress. Bottom line? Less irritability, more smiles and a great day at work and with your family. At Pottery Barn, we want you to feel as refreshed as possible in your bedroom. Here are some tips to get better sleep that’ll have you snoozing soundly in no time.

Create the right ambience

What kind of room helps you to relax? Start by focusing on paint colors. If you find light tones like mint green or taupe soothing, consider adding them to your space. Some people like the sensation of deep tones like dark browns, grays, blues and greens. That kind of dark atmosphere wraps you up like a warm blanket. Red is a gorgeous color, but sometimes it ups your emotional state instead of calming you down. Use decorative pillows to combine several relaxing room accents.

Choose a great mattress

Great bedding doesn’t just help you fall asleep in the first place; they also contribute to waking up rested and comfortable. Don’t hold back when picking out bedding essentials like mattresses, pillows and duvets.

Treat yourself to a special pillow

Each person is different, so what’s comfy to your special someone isn’t always the same for you. Lightweight pillows are good for stomach sleepers. If you like to fall asleep on your back or side, choose medium or heavy weight pillows for support and comfort.

Temperature is key

A drop in temperature causes your heart rate to slow down, which in turn makes you sleepy. During the summer, it’s a good idea to have a quiet air conditioner or a fan in your room. Pay attention to thread count and fiber content when it comes to your sheets. Higher threadcounts can be thicker and better suited for colder temperatures, while durable linen sheets stay cool to the touch even in blistering heat.

Take a warm bath

This has two benefits. The hot water relaxes your neck and back muscles; helping them feel amazing and alleviating tension. Second, the drop in temperature from hot to cold tells your body it’s time for bed. So, your checklist might look like this: bath, bathrobe and super-sound sleep.

Shades at night

During the summer, try some thick blackout shades. They keep the bedroom dark, even if it’s still bright outside when you head to bed. That creates a relaxing sleep environment. During the day, try to let as much natural light into your bedroom as possible – it helps your body’s melatonin production.

Start getting cozy earlier

It takes a while for most people to unwind. About half an hour before bed, dim the lights or use a bedside lamp. Soft illumination is a big help for sleeping. Try reading a book or flipping through a magazine until you get sleepy.

Follow a routine

The more you try to go to sleep at the same time every night – and wake up at the same time in the morning – the easier it becomes for your body to fall asleep at that same time in the future. Often, people follow this advice during the week, but forget on the weekend. It helps to continue this habit even on the weekends.

TV-free bedroom 

It’s easy to feel like we’re living in a golden age of television. But following the adventures of your favorite detective keeps your brain active instead of rocking it to sleep. Try to turn all electronics off at least 30 minutes before bed, phones included. Seriously, the blue light from smartphone screens, computer monitors and TVs can seriously disrupt your sleep cycle. 

Be mindful

If worrying about next week’s events is keeping you from a good night’s sleep, try to remind yourself of two things: First, if there’s nothing you can do right now to change it, sit with the thought, acknowledge it, take a deep breath and visualize yourself letting it go as you exhale. Take things one day at a time. Secondly, remember that you’ll function best after you’ve rested. And if you really can’t fall asleep, try engaging in a boring activity – really! Listening to a humdrum audiobook or reading a dense book of nonfiction might lull your brain right to sleep.