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7 Tips to Decorate a Small Kitchen

The kitchen is the hearth – and heart – of any home, no matter the size of the room. Get inspired with our helpful tips and transform your small kitchen into a warm and welcoming space for for the whole family. 



Lighten Up

Dark colors make a small room feel even smaller, so carefully consider the colors of your walls and cabinets. If you like your dark cherry cabinets - or are unable to switch them out - consider updating some of your lighting. The right lighting can make a kitchen seem larger regardless of the color of the walls. For extra impact without a big footprint, add LED strips under shelves or cabinets and replace old fixtures with energy-efficient models. If possible, plan a new decorating scheme that incorporates a lighter paint color on the wall.


Add a Bold Backsplash

Always remember: this is your kitchen so create a space full of items you love that show off your personal style. Decorating small kitchens can be challenging;, you may not always have a lot of room to work or rearrange major furniture elements like bar carts and kitchen islands. Instead, focus on making the most of what you do have by adding a bold backsplash behind your stove and sink. A backsplash doesn’t require much empty waIl space, but the right design can instantly add an overall impression of liveliness. Use a bold pattern to bring some fresh energy into your cooking space or go with a contemporary pattern in neutral tones to update a more traditional kitchen. Bonus: there are plenty of temporary backsplash options including painting techniques and removable decals so you don’t have to commit to a new look in the long term.


Use Shelves for Extra Storage

Add an extra shelf between cabinets or above the kitchen sink to give yourself some extra storage space. Use the shelves to display and store dishes or china, or showcase a collection of treasured items. Just take care not to overdo it: the fewer small items around, the bigger – and tidier – your kitchen looks.


Add Color

Use color and patterns to your advantage. If you have one wall with a lot of exposed space, go bold and paint it a bright color! This pop of color gives the kitchen a modern look and you can break up the color with extra shelving for displaying treasured trinkets. If painting the whole wall isn’t feasible, add a printed shade over the windows or a patterned rug to the floor. These updates will wake any small space and can easily be undone if you decide you don’t love the final look of it all. 


Hang Your Pots

Pots take up a lot of room in cabinets, so consider using a pot rack to keep them up and out-of-the-way. Hang the pots from the ceiling so that they fall above an island or stovetop so they’re within arm’s reach when you need them. If you don’t have space for a pot rack that hangs from the ceiling, look for a smaller option that mounts on the wall. This gives you extra storage while incorporating the pots into your design scheme. 


Display Artwork

Hanging artwork on your walls is an easy way to personalize your space. Pick a contemporary painting that captures attention, or hang a mix of vintage works and personal photos gallery style. Choose just one color or style of frame to unite the group and tie it all together. Whether you choose a single oversized piece or a collection of smaller ones, creating a single, large focal point works wonders in a small kitchen, as it tricks your eye into thinking that the space is bigger than it is. Bonus: our Pottery Barn style experts will even come over to your house and help you create the perfect gallery wall.


Remove Cabinet Doors

Cabinet doors can sometimes make things feel closed off, so consider removing them to open up the area. Paint the insides of your cabinets a fun color to match your decor and give the room some depth. Don’t just display your dishes in these open spaces; use textured baskets and glass jars to keep supplies organized and stylish.