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7 Ways to Refresh Your Home Office

Sometimes it's easy to overlook your home office when you're designing and decorating your home. Many people use their mis-matched, leftover furniture from other rooms, turning the space into a storage facility for furniture and odds and ends that don't really fit anywhere else. After all, your home office needs to be functional first, and as long as you can work in it, it's doing one basic job. But having a beautiful office can actually increase your productivity as it becomes a place where you love to work. Yes, it can be time-consuming to sort through extra clutter that might be in there, but it's important to create a dedicated space that inspires you. You might be surprised just how far a few touches go to make your space both comfortable and appealing.



Add Some Color

Painting the walls is a great first step toward refreshing the space. If your office is smaller, try lighter colors to open it up a bit. If painting is not an option, add color in other ways. A nice set of curtains, a colorful rug or some bright artwork can add some cheeriness to the room. Fresh, cheerful paint or a colorful swath of a bright rug help improve your mood when you're working hard to meet those tight deadlines. For help focusing, consider calming, pale blues and greens, or try a soft yellow paint for a bit of optimism when you settle down to get to business.


Add Some of Your Favorite Things

Make the space feel like your own with a few of your favorite things. Consider adding framed photos of your friends and family, and hang them on the wall or set them along shelves and flat surfaces. You may even consider framing posters, pictures from magazines or newspaper clippings that mean something to you. If you collect items, such as fun memorabilia or seashells, add a few of those to the space. Group the collection of items together for the most visual impact.


Get Organized

If you're like many people, paperwork and office supplies probably find their way to your desk at unbelievable speeds, and you may spend more time searching for a pen than you do writing out your grocery list. Start by going through and shredding or recycling everything you don't need. This helps cut down on paper, which is a primary clutter culprit. You might also want to digitize important papers with a scanner. Then, look for ways to organize the things you do keep with items like baskets, shelves, filing cabinets and desk organization accessories. Pottery Barn offers a number of different organization solutions for your home office and every other room in your house.



Rearrange the Old or Add New Furniture

If you're feeling uninspired in your home office, consider rearranging the layout if the space is big enough. A new view may be just what you need for a spark of creativity. If possible, try moving your desk and chair so that you face a window. You may also want to consider buying something new, like a new desk or comfortable desk chair. Shelving, a cozy loveseat or an oversized chair are other options for new additions to your room. You may even find that a new layout means you have more space in the room to take advantage of.


Add Some Plants

Having a few extra living things in the room can help brighten it up. Plants also add color, and some can even improve your air quality. Try adding a nice houseplant to a pretty pot and placing it next to your desk. You may also want to choose a lovely vase that you can add fresh flowers to every other week.


Hang a Mirror

If your space is on the smaller side or does not get much natural light, hanging a mirror on the wall can help brighten it up, especially if you hang the mirror opposite a window. You may feel as if you have two windows in the room thanks to the reflection.


Add Some Home Accents

Maybe your office is just a little lackluster and needs decorating, but not a complete overhaul. It's always worth spending some time to add your personal touches to a space. Lamps, clocks, wall hangings and throw pillows are just a few of the items you can add to impart some life to your home office.