How to
Hang a Shower Curtain:
4 Easy Steps

After much deliberation, you’ve selected the perfect shower curtain. Now it’s time to hang it up! Using simple household tools like a measuring tape, level and optional screwdriver, these easy shower curtain hanging tips from us at Pottery Barn will get your new curtain up in a snap.
Step 1: Measure and Mark
The best way to hang a shower curtain begins with measuring. Although shower sizes vary, most standard shower curtains measure 72" long by 72" wide. If you’ve selected a curtain that falls outside this range, it’ll be even more important to measure and mark your curtain rod location before hanging.
First, measure the width of your shower, or the distance between the shower walls. Many shower rods are adjustable, so choose a rod length that encompasses your measurement with a couple inches to spare. Next, you’ll need to choose between a tension rod that has springs holding it in place or one that’s fixed and screw-mounted. Then select between a straight or curved rod. If you’re hanging a particularly heavy curtain or like to rest your towel over the top, a fixed-position shower rod will offer the most stability. Choose a finish that complements the existing hardware in your bath and the colors of your chosen curtain.
You’ll get the most water protection from a shower curtain and liner that hangs approximately 6" down the inside of a shower tub. Subtract this distance from the length of your curtain, and then measure and mark this distance from the top of the shower tub on each side of the wall. The marks should be in line with the edge of the shower base or tub.
Step 2: Hang the Curtain Rod
Using the marks as your guide, begin to hang the curtain rod. For screw-mounted rods, place the mounting brackets at equal distances from the tub base on either side of the shower walls. The rod should be parallel to the shower base. For tension rods, lift the rod until both sides cover the marks you’ve made on the walls. Then, increase the tension until the rod stays up on its own. Use a level to make small adjustments to how the rod is sitting, and then increase the tension to wedge it tightly into place. Check that the rod’s placement allows for easy access to existing bathroom fixtures, like towel rods or accessibility handrails.
Step 3: Loop the Curtain Rings
On a large flat surface, lay a shower curtain liner beneath your shower curtain, with the outward-facing side of the curtain face up. Line up the holes at the top of the curtain and liner, then loop one shower ring through each hole. Don’t close the rings fully just yet, as you’ll need them slightly open to hang on the rod in the next step. Choose a set of shower rings in a finish that matches your existing bathroom fixtures or in a complementary tone to the curtain.
If you’ve chosen to hang the curtain with hooks instead of rings, first hang the hooks on the curtain rod. Then, simply loop the holes of the shower curtain over the hooks, making sure that the finished side of the curtain is facing out. Finally, loop the holes of the liner over the hooks and smooth the surface of your shower curtain.
Step 4: Hang the Curtain and Liner
Beginning on one end, carefully raise the curtain and liner to slip each shower ring over the rod, one at a time. Firmly clasp them into place. You may wish to attach the two rings at either end of the curtain first to provide additional stability while you work. For a polished look, spin the rings so that the openings are directed inwards. Smooth the curtain and liner to move freely.
After completing your installation, accessorize the bathroom with towel rods or hooks to hang heavy robes that are easily accessible nearby. Add a plush bath rug to catch splashes and protect bathroom floor. Finally, fill your shower with your favorite products that calm your senses and help create a relaxing space.