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How to Organize a Storage Unit

How to Organize a Storage Unit

A storage unit is such a handy place to put the kind of things you want to keep, but don’t use often. Examples include items like holiday decor, seasonal sports equipment and keepsake items that don’t fit in the house. To make your storage unit even more useful, try out these tips from us at Pottery Barn to organize the space in a way that gives you easy access to your things. Take advantage of shelving, wall mounted organizers and assorted types of containers. Labeling sealed containers and boxes also makes it easier and faster to find the things you need later.

Thoughtful Planning 

Take a basic inventory of the things you plan to put in your storage unit. You don’t need to list every little thing. This is just to determine what kind of shelving and containers you need. Storage unit shelving can help you explore a lot of different packing options. Low-profile shelves are ideal when you want to leave open wall space above for light fixtures or organizing accessories mounted on the wall. Floor-to-ceiling shelving is ideal for sliding against a wall in the unit. Low bookcases and mid-height shelving units are also useful. Place them along walls or in the center of a storage unit to direct foot traffic. 

Getting Started 

Display a chalkboard or pinboard near the door of the unit before you start filling the storage space with your things. Attach it to the wall with removable adhesive hooks. This gives you a convenient place to make notes of changes to your original plan. It’s also a handy spot to write a shopping list for the things you think of later that you want to add to the space. Leave a couple of feet open in front of the pinboard or chalkboard. This makes it easy to access when you want to make notes. Use the board to leave notes about where to find specific types of things after the storage unit is set up and packed. 

Storing Small Things Around Furniture 

Take advantage of unused furniture, like a spare bed, by storing small items in underbed baskets. Put the bed in the center of the unit if that leaves space to walk around it. Or, slide the furniture against the wall if the unit is smaller. Fill baskets with clothing or knick-knacks you want to keep. Stick a label or itemized note card on the outside of each container. That way, you don’t have to unpack it to see what’s inside. Then, use the space on top of the bed, too. Choose boxes or plastic storage bins that are similar in size. 

Safe Stacking Tips

Create safe bases. Stack boxes neatly to make sure they stay where you put them. Keep the box size consistent to make all of them easier to stack. Only stack containers two or three layers deep, with the heaviest items in the lower boxes to avoid crushing. Put light things like bedding in center boxes. Add the lightest things, like holiday ornaments, in the top boxes. If you need to stack boxes more than three deep, use shelves or add some sturdy braces to keep them steady.

Tips for Loading Shelves

Measure the space on your shelves to confirm the height and width available. Compare the measurements to the sizes of the containers and storage baskets you plan to store on the shelves. For shelves, you don’t expect to access very often, load boxes and loose items snugly. Keep similar items all in one area. For example, keep all the tennis equipment in one section of shelving. Store all the Thanksgiving decor or boxes in another section of the shelving. 

Make Yourself Comfortable

Leave a spot in your storage unit to set up chairs and a small table when you plan to work in it for an extended time period. This gives you a place to sit down for a break and to put boxes while you sort and organize your things. Folding outdoor furniture is ideal. When you’re done, it’s easy to pack up and slide it into an empty space in the storage unit.