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How to

Organize Your Life and

Get Rid of Clutter

How to Organize Your Life and Get Rid of Clutter

Whether it’s part of a New Year’s resolution or you simply want to make a change, getting rid of clutter in your life feels good. There are lots of different approaches to getting rid of clutter and organizing the things you really want, and ultimately, the method that works best for you is what matters most. There’s no wrong way to do it as long as you’re happy with the result! Whether you want to remove some unnecessary possessions and items from your home or you simply want to stay tidy and organize the things you have, you can consider these basic tips for getting organized and making your home look amazing.

Work Smart

Efficiency is key to many aspects of a life well lived, and one of the best tips for getting rid of clutter and organizing is to maximize storage space by using previously unused areas. If there’s empty space under your bed, try some storage boxes to stow under there so you can store out-of-season clothes. This thins out your closet and dresser, making each storage area feel less cluttered. Any open areas like this, such as the vertical space at the top of your closet or the wall space above your desk, are great places to add some organizational tools.

Contain It

Eliminating clutter in your home isn’t always a matter of stowing things in an unseen place – it can be even easier. Sometimes, tidying up is a simple matter of putting your cluttered items into organized containers. Take your bathroom counter, for example. If you have different cosmetic and personal care items loose on the counters, you can use a small vanity tray or an open basket to keep all of your various tools and tubes contained in a single place. Just having a place to put these items when you’re done with them each day makes it easier to stay tidy.

Get Creative 

Most people have items of great sentimental significance that they don’t use or look at too often but they still want to keep on hand. If you have photo albums, baby clothes, love letters or yearbooks, for example, think about storing them in a decorative way that frees up space in your closets and drawers. Stacks of beautiful vintage suitcases make charming sculptural accents in an open corner, and they provide a nice amount of storage for items you don’t use on a regular basis.

Eliminate Extras

You can certainly keep beloved family heirlooms, but if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in your life, it can be freeing to let go of some of the things that create clutter. Organization gurus suggest getting rid of clothes if you haven’t worn them for a year, which frees up room in your closet. You can even scrutinize things like holiday decor and kitchen gadgets by asking whether the item brings you a real sense of enjoyment or utility. You may not be in love with that potato peeler, but if you like the way it makes kitchen prep work simple, it’s worth hanging onto. Likewise, if you find yourself hanging onto items because of their sentimental appeal, ask yourself if you’d be happier letting the physical item go and keeping a photo of the item instead.

Hang Out

If bedroom and bathroom floor clutter from clothes and linens is an issue, consider some vertical solutions to improve your space. Wall hooks are a great way to keep everything from bathrobes to pajamas out of the way so your bedroom looks pristine and tranquil. Use hooks in hallways, garages, basements and kitchens to pick things up off the floor or work surfaces to create more space. Any vertical-space organizers that free up floor or worktop space are a great asset for reducing clutter.

Love Living with Less

Minimalism is all about keeping things simple and uncluttered, and you can make a big difference in your home organization setup if you embrace the minimalist ethos. This doesn’t mean you need to adopt a whole new decorating scheme, but think about things in a new way as you approach these ideas. Do you need two sets of dinnerware for formal and everyday dining, or does one set suffice? Do you go hiking often enough to need that drawer full of wool socks, or will cutting your collection down to a couple of pairs work out fine? Ask questions like this to open up avenues for clutter reduction.