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5 Steps to a More Organized Home

10 Ways to Style Your Newlywed Bed

It's always the right time to get your home organized and looking beautiful. From taking your time to investing in quality storage, create and maintain a more organized home with these five easy steps.

One Room (And Hour) at a Time

First and foremost, take it easy. Some people approach cleaning, decluttering and organizing as an all day, or even all weekend, affair. This is a definite way to burn out and sabotage your efforts. Instead, dedicate a couple hours and focus room at a time. There’s absolutely no rush. Put on your favorite tunes or podcast, and go at your own pace.

Beautiful Baskets

It’s time to retire the plastic. Although plastic storage bins and containers are cheap, their rigid offerings are not the prettiest bloom in the bouquet. This is where baskets come in. Woven or galvanized, baskets are hardworking, versatile and good-looking. They can stand on their own, be slotted into storage units, or put to work in closets and under the bed.

Think High & Low

Keep clutter at bay by identifying and creating new storage opportunities. Floating shelves unlock the potential of tricky corners and walls. There’s also the often-overlooked space above a door – mount a shelf there to store things you might not need every day. Also, make use of the ample space under your bed. This is great area to keep winter coats and other seasonal apparel.

Make Your Bed

Now that you’ve taken your time with your spring cleaning, invested in quality storage and maximized your space, it’s time to maintain. Making your bed every morning will set the tone for your day and bedroom. If your bed is made, you’ll be less likely to leave other clutter out and about. Stray socks and “that chair” that tends to accumulate clothes will be less inclined to grow if your bed is dressed for the day.

15 Minutes

Whether you’re getting home from work or lounging on the weekend, take just 15 measly minutes to straighten up around the house. Hang up those clothes you were trying on when getting ready, clear the kitchen table, fluff your pillows. This one simple ritual resets your home in an instant. With everything having a designated placed, tidying up will be an almost mindless task that’s simple yet impactful.