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Spring Cleaning Ideas to Refresh Your Home

Spring Cleaning Ideas


Spring cleaning brings fresh energy to your home the same way the changing seasons bring fresh energy to the outdoors. Outside, the daytime hours start to get longer, flowers start to bloom and the chirps of birds fill the air. Indoors, it’s time to throw back the drapes, open the windows, let the fresh air in and get the house ready for warm weather. Choose some standout tasks from this short list of spring cleaning ideas from us at Pottery Barn, or try them all as part of a whole-house deep-cleaning session.

Make a List of House Cleaning Ideas

Grab a note pad and pen. Then, step back and take a look around the house before cleaning anything. Make a note about the misplaced or dirty things that you definitely want to get in order. Make a checklist with those items at the top. A list helps you stay focused. It’s satisfying when you check a completed task. It also makes it easy for any helpers to know what to do next.

Make Space to Put Things

Work your way through one room at a time, cleaning and organizing cabinets, bookcase shelves, closets and drawers. Throw out, donate or sell the things you no longer use or want. This cleaning and organizing step is a big one. But, there are a couple of positive reasons for doing it first. First, it lets you check a big task off your list right away. It also gives you a lot of clean, organized spots to put other things as you continue cleaning. 

Vacuum Places That Don’t Always Get Attention

Scoot the bed and sofa over and vacuum under them. The floor under heavy pieces of furniture might not get cleaned on a regular basis because of the extra effort it takes to move those pieces. While the vacuum is out, take the cushions off your sofa, love seats and chairs. Vacuum underneath them.

Organize Desktops and Counters

Clean off the flat surfaces on your desk and kitchen counters where small items collect over the course of a busy day. Wipe off the surfaces with a damp cloth. If there are stubborn stains on the counter or stovetop, make a paste with baking soda. Let it sit on the stains before scrubbing it away. Organize the small items you want to leave out on your desk. Then, put containers on countertops or inside cupboards to hold things like utensils and hand towels.

Wash Walls and Ceilings

Use a flat sponge mop and a bucket of hot water mixed with your favorite kind of all-purpose cleaner. The long mop handle lets you reach high spots on the wall and the ceiling without getting out a ladder. The flat head on the mop presses neatly against the wall. Using a mop turns an otherwise big task into a fast, easy one. This is because it lets you cover the entire surface in a fraction of the time it would take to do so using a ladder and cleaning rag.

Sparkling Decorations

Pull down and clean any decorations that look dusty, especially in the kitchen and dining area. Things like pans or wine glasses displayed over an island are a good spot to start. Put these items in the dishwater or use a damp cloth to clean them. Then, wipe them dry to make sure there are no spots before replacing them.

Sort Towels and Linens

Go through your collection of bath towels and bed linens. If anything looks worn or thin, spring cleaning is a great time to replace it. Replacing worn household items with beautiful new ones lets you start everything fresh around the same time.

Enjoy Some Outdoor Cleaning Time, Too

Take your cleaning supplies outdoors and clean off patio furniture. This lets you enjoy the fresh spring air while checking a task off your to-do list. Wipe down seating frames and tables with a clean, damp cloth. If the cushions for lounge chairs and outdoor sofas look dusty, use a whisk broom on them to freshen them up. If they’re water-resistant, hose them off and let them dry in the sun.

Curtains and Drapes

Clean the curtains by vacuuming them with the drapery attachment if they seem dusty. If they’re more deeply soiled, check the care instructions. Run them through the laundry or take them to the dry cleaner for deep cleaning.