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Top 5 Easter Games for Adults

Top 5 Easter Games for Adults

From egg hunts to egg decorating, Easter is always lots of fun for little ones. You might also find yourself thinking back to the days of searching the yard for treats or creating masterpieces with eggs and dyes. This spring, join in the fun at any age! Whether you want to plan a few activities for the adult guests at your family’s annual Easter gathering or you want to get a few friends together for a festive feast, these fun Easter games for adults can help you get into the spring spirit. Pick up a few seasonal decorations, invite some guests and let the games begin! 

The Easter Basket “Cakewalk” 

Swap out the cakes for Easter baskets to put a seasonal spin on this old carnival favorite. This game is easy to put together and is so entertaining once it gets going. Like a classic cakewalk, you can clear a space in the room or yard and divide the area into squares. Number the squares and choose one or more as “winners,” depending on how many baskets you have. When the game begins, start up the music and have guests walk or dance around the space. When the music stops, the guest standing on the winning square gets to keep the basket. Have fun moving until all the prize baskets have been won. 

Easter Bonnet Fashion Show 

Sometimes, the best activities are the ones that let you show off your sense of humor. This game is a great way to let loose while honing your creative skills. Gather a few straw hats and decorations such as faux flowers, ribbons, lace, paper and fabric. Use hot glue guns, fabric glue and floral wire to attach the decorations to the hats. When your hats are finished, put on Irving Berlin’s “Easter Parade” and show off your couture designs in a festive fashion show. You can vote for a winner and give out prizes or simply reward yourselves by getting laughs from of your over-the-top creations. 

Egg Decorating Contest 

Kids love coloring Easter eggs, but much like the adults out there who love coloring books, this popular spring activity is fun for all ages! Easter egg games for adults are great for getting those creative ideas flowing. Incorporate different artistic supplies such as food coloring, food-safe paints and natural dyes. You can even use wax to create folk-inspired designs or experiment with ribbons, lace, stencils and stickers. Hollow out your eggs to create designs that you can keep for years, or hard boil them to give them a slightly longer shelf life. Have guests display their creations on trays or in baskets and vote on your favorite designs. 

Egg Drop Challenge 

That egg drop challenge from middle school science class taught you a thing or two about physics and engineering, but you probably had a lot of fun along the way. Egg drops can also make great Easter games for adults, letting you recreate the magic with a seasonal spin. To organize this game, choose two or more different colors and dye even numbers of raw eggs in the same colors. Gather supplies such as straws, carrier bags, bottles, napkins, baskets, boxes, Easter basket grass and pillows. Divide your guests into teams, assign each team to a color and have everyone design everything from parachutes to protective structures. Put your skills to the test by tossing the eggs out of a second-story window. The team with the most surviving eggs wins a prize!    

Classic Easter Egg Hunt 

Egg hunts are great opportunities for kids to enjoy their holiday spirit, and they also make fantastic Easter activities for adults. To make the concept more grown-up, mix classic chocolate treats with gourmet goodies such as teas, coffees, sauces and seasonings. You can even up the ante with a few bigger prizes such as gift cards, candles, small decor items or electronics such as USB sticks or headphones if you want. Feel free to turn your egg hunt into a treasure hunt too. Put together a larger prize such as a gift basket and hide it somewhere in your home or yard. Create clues that eventually lead to the treasure to keep your guests searching and having fun.