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Using Work Zones to
Upgrade your Home Office

A simple home office that offers several work zones accommodates a flexible routine and welcomes many tasks. Break your home office into work zones by determining what activities you want to do in the space at hand. Consider a comfortable seating area for welcoming clients, reading or relaxing. Use a range of storage and display to create a reference library and inspiration area. A comfortable desk and supportive desk chair may be where you want to do your most focused work. For other tasks, you may prefer a drafting table or a taller desk for standing at. Depending on the type of work you do, a large table for sorting materials or organizing images might also be a necessary element in the home office.


Let your creative
goals shape the
home office and
inform the
different work
zones throughout
the room.


One of the easiest ways to zone your home office is through furniture placement. Station a modular desk at the center of the room if you tend to do a lot of walking and multitasking. Another option is to use an alcove or corner to house your desk. Modular storage pieces and bookshelves are a great way to separate different zones within the room. Placing a soft rug beneath the seating area quickly reinforces that zone and adds to the comfortable, relaxed nature of the area.
